

Object description


Object no.: G011
Purchase price: 670.000 €
Object type: Plot of land
Postcode/Place: 3295 Lackenhof
Area: 9.639 m²



Lakenhof – Wellness throughout the year

There are numerous picturesque places with a good developed touristic infrustructure near Vienna. Fresh mountain air, sparkling snow and breathtaking scenery are appealing many people, who like active holidays. One of such natural treasures is Lackenhof. Being situated at the beginning of an Ötscher Valley with its famous Ötscher glacier, it is a place to be. The nature here is free of polution, due to the nature reserve nearby, making Lackenhof to a popular destination with a plenty of outdoor activities suitable for each season (alpine walking, hiking, mountain biking, skiing and snowboarding etc.).

The name of the mountain comes from the Slavic word “Fatherland”. Once you get there, you will be astonished by the stunning scenery of the Alps. The alpine village Lakenhof is comfortably located In the valley, among the unspoiled beauty of the mountains and pure harmony. A little higher there starts one of the most popular mountaineering routes. If one manages to wander up the hill, he will be trully awarded by the wide variety of natural treasures! Picturesque mountain lakes, many healing springs with various effects, fresh herbs and of course a beautiful views.


The Europeans use each possibility, such as public hollidays and weekends to get away from the city trafic jams and polution. Moreover, it is not only the summer that is seen as a major holiday time, but also the winter.

Lackenhof has approx. 19 kilometers of skiing tracks with a total of 9 lifts. 60 days throughout a year the mountain ridges of Lackenhof are covered with natural crystal clear snow of more than 20 cm. Additionaly, there are 36 snow machines, which all togehter can cover the area of 37,000 m² of skiing tracks with an artificial snow. Furthermore, there are 17 km of cross-country ski trails, 6 skating rinks and 17 km of winter hiking trails.

Being amazingly located, Lackenhof is developing year by year as and is already one of the most popular touristic resorts. No wonder why, the location is just perfect: Vienna International Airport is closer than two hours drive by car. From 2.5 to 4 hours drive it will take you to get to the capitals of Hungary or Slovakia.

A brilliant location for the centre for alternative medicine

Alternative medicine is based on the fact that the physical, emotional and spiritual well-being of a person should be seen as a whole. Lakenhof is the most suitable place for it.

Plot size:                                                                    9.639 m2

Object:EZ 29, Katastralgemeinde 22016 Lackenhof, Gst.-Nr. 240, 239, 231/4

Infrastructure and dedication:

Water, channel, electricity

Dedication: Baugrund –Wohngebiet – Wohndichteklasse a (bis 60EW/ha)

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